Jackson Hole 10up Summit

I spent a week in Jackson, Wyoming while the family went to southern Alberta, Canada. I had to attend a work conference. It’s an interesting conundrum when working remotely with a distributed company that you aren’t physically with any of your coworkers. The people you work with, you aren’t actually ever with. 10up has an annual summit to bring everyone together for a conference. 10uppers give presentations to each other for a couple days, participate in a hack-a-thon, team building activities, celebrations and company awards (The Uppies).


A huge perk to working remotely is being home more and spending so much more time with my family. So, it was hard to spend the week away from them. Spending a week with coworkers and only talking on the phone or video chatting with my family is the inverse of what I’ve grown accustomed to.

I enjoyed the Jackson Hole area and when I wasn’t having altitude and/or allergy headaches, I explored a bit.  I got to know a few of my coworkers too. It is nice to better know who I’m working with (and for).

The best part of the week for me though, was the excitement of the group hug when the rest of the family arrived to pick me up.





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