PSA: Moab is hot during the summer

Driving from Colorado to Utah is beautiful and I was able to literally “work on the road” again as we went, though some places along the interstate don’t have much as far as data connections. I was able to get my work done still.

My kind of corner office… Coding + Roadtrip = Codetrip

We were heading to Utah and we wanted to return to Moab for some family hiking. We visited about 10 years ago and thought the kids would love it. As we pulled in the night before we decided to check the weather and we were a little surprised. We hadn’t put two and two together, that it was summer and we were heading to the desert. Not sure why we hadn’t even thought about that yet, but we had just enjoyed some beautiful weeks in Colorado. Anyways, it was hot than expected so we rearranged our schedule to hike early in the morning before it hit 100 degrees since it would stay above 100 until 8pm when it started getting dark.

We had a good hike to the delicate arch though and the kids became convinced we were trying to kill them with the heat already, so we called it a day and went to hydrate and swim at the hotel before heading north.

2 Replies to “PSA: Moab is hot during the summer”

  1. Yeah, but what’s the humidity? 🙂 I can’t see your code editor well enough to tell if it’s sublime or vs code. I recently made the switch to vs code and am still trying to love it as much as sublime. Happy trails.

    1. True, not very humid, but 100+ still feels very hot! Ha, it’s VS Code, I’m in the same boat, I’m getting used to it and it it’s faster than sublime at least!

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